If you can’t find the answer to your question, please contact our customer support team.
Please contact our customer support team every business day ( Mon – Fri ) between 08:00 AM and 08:00 PM CET at support@mjolk.co or use the chat app on Mjölk webshop.
Select an item and a desired size (if applicable), then click the “add to cart” button. Open the cart by clicking the cart icon and follow the instructions.
You can place the order as a registered user or a guest.
The orders are delivered within 3 to 15 business days, counting from the moment of the placement of the order. The delivery period may be longer during special offers and discounts. Learn more.
The ordered items can’t be paid in installments.
Returns and replacements have to be done within 14 days from the moment of the receipt of the shipment. Learn more.
Customers who return their items bear the cost of delivery.
If you wish to receive your shipment in Serbia, you need to put the shipping adress in Serbia.